In the Moment

Being in the moment is something I’ve struggled with for years. I don’t think this is uncommon. Relinquishing thoughts of the past and future is a difficult task.

Even in the simplest task, such as my morning run, I find myself elsewhere. I’ve spoken many times about my love/hate relationship with running — I hate running but love how I feel afterward.

While running, I’m always focused either on how far I’ve made it from home, or how far I still need to go before it’s over.

But this morning I caught myself there. There being here — in the moment.

With the sun on my back, I looked down at my shadow as I chased it down the sidewalk. I wasn’t thinking of the day before or the day to come. For three or four blocks, my mind was focused on myself in that moment, step after step.

That is, of course, until I caught on.

Then, after a brief wave of elation, my head flooded with the tasks of the day ahead.

It was nice while it lasted.

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