Fuck You Money

You can only share so much. At some point, your opinions have recourse.

Be it political or societal, your views will not be held by everyone. And sharing them can have consequences.

I touch on polarizing topics from time to time but after a few missteps and some unexpected reactions, I’ve learned when to hold back.

Some people don’t have this issue. And it’s the biggest problem with modern media. Everyone is worried about getting cancelled.

Except for those who can afford it.

Nassim Taleb comes to mind. His books are phenomenal yet opinionated. His tweets are much the same. A big part is that he’s uncancellable.

Sure, the media can make him disappear. But I don’t think he cares. He has the money to live whatever life he wants. Everything he does is by choice, he doesn’t care about consequences.

He has fuck you money.

Mark Cuban and Elon Musk are more mainstream examples. They sometimes get hate but could disappear from popularity tomorrow and likely be perfectly fine for the rest of their lives.

Is this something to aspire to? I don’t know. As with anything I’m sure there are trade-offs.

But I feel our current culture needs more people in that position, people who are willing to speak freely without fear of the financial threat that often comes with being cancelled.

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