This post was originally supposed to be about common sense.
Stop signs are universal. They are red octagons with white lettering — a standard that everyone recognizes.
I was going to write about the idea that we should have more global standards like this. Traffic signs differ significantly between countries and regions, and with a steady increase in global travel, it would make driving overseas so much easier.
But as I did a bit of last-minute research to make sure I didn’t look like an asshole. I learned that stop signs are not universal.
In Japan, for example, they are three-sided, like a standard North American yield sign.
Such a simple and relatively insignificant thing to learn, but it struck me because I thought I was right.
We all have these beliefs that we’re sure are true. Yet we rarely take the time to check — we trust ourselves sometimes more than we should.
We don’t know what we don’t know.
This is obvious in hindsight.
I suppose in a roundabout way, this is still about common sense.
Or, at least, the lack thereof.