We’re often told to keep our opinions to ourselves. This is especially true when discussing touchy subjects. Even more so when your opinion moves counter to the common narrative.
Most people avoid confrontation. In most situations it’s good practice, conflict is rarely fun. Yet when an opinion is shared on social media, people are far less likely to abstain from stepping in. In these situations, especially when the opinion raises a few eyebrows, people pounce, tearing into it like rabid dogs.
This isn’t always a bad thing. Quite often, it can be good. It’s only bad when it gets out of hand — when reasonable debate erupts into childish arguments and insult-hurling. And, unfortunately, this is how things often result online.
However, reasonable discussion about important subjects doesn’t happen enough. It’s too easy to be stuck in the echo chamber of social media and believe a little too strongly in your own convictions.
Sharing your opinions, even if unpopular, creates discussion around the subject. You likely won’t change others’ minds, regardless of how logically you present your case. But you might be able to show them a side of things they hadn’t considered before.
And more importantly, you’ll be able to see your opinions from another perspective.
As long as emotions stay cool and the debate doesn’t break out into arguments, everyone benefits in the long run.