The Icemen Worketh

While my pocket of the world is suffering through a freakish anomaly of bitter deep freeze, I’m one of the lucky ones. As much as I complained about the cold in my last post, I don’t have to work in it.

Although I’ve spent many winters working outside in similar conditions, my current position saves me that pain.

But I want to take a minute to acknowledge all of those people whose job it is to keep things functioning through this bitter weather. The jobs so easily dismissed as trivial but are pivotal in our daily comfort.

Those people who suffer and push through the absolute misery of these conditions to keep constant the things we so easily take for granted.

The ones who keep the gas flowing in the pipes that warm our houses, and the water that we drink and bathe in and flush. The farmers who grow and raise our food. Those who are on call to rescue us when our appliances or vehicles fail. The people who deliver our orders — food, letters, packages. The ones who keep our lights on. And the heroes who rush, sirens blaring, to any number of unimaginable situations.

To all the people in the trades, farmers, first responders, delivery drivers, and everyone else who suffers through this brutal weather to keep things functioning:

I appreciate you.

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