The Potency of Anticipation

Anticipation is a powerful drug.

Think about it, how much does the thought of a future event cause you to react physically in the present?

The rush you get while planning and preparing for an upcoming vacation. The elation you feel while packing. In some ways, the anticipation is a better experience than the vacation itself.

This is a stretch, of course. But while planning a trip, you aren’t thinking about the things that will inevitably go wrong. The delayed flights, long-distance bus rides, illness, arguments and hangovers — rarely ruin a trip but can certainly put a damper on aspects of it.

You don’t get this with anticipation. Sure, maybe a little anxiety here and there. But you don’t experience the rollercoaster highs and lows.

Speaking of anxiety, anticipation has the same effect as negative situations. Consider the last time you had a dentist appointment, a dreaded meeting, or an interview for a position you felt wildly unqualified for.

In those days and weeks leading up to the event, most people become incredibly anxious, focusing solely on the possible downsides. And when the moment in question comes to pass, while perhaps not a good experience, it’s likely not entirely bad.

So the next time you find yourself anxious or worried about an upcoming situation, remind yourself that it won’t be as bad as you think.

And when you feel the rush of excitement when planning something good, soak in it.

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