
I often have a hard time focusing on one thing at a time. Multitasking is my default – though not by conscious choice. I know full well that multitasking is not productive.

When I’m working on a task and something and I get distracted by a thought, I’ll pull the strings of the thought rather than putting it aside. Sometimes I spend a minute or two digging into it. Other times I’ll spiral down a rabbit hole and lose an hour of productive time while learning the history of whatever it was that sidetracked my attention.

Thankfully, I’ve caught on over the last few years and have made a conscious effort to avoid these distractions. Or, at the very least, not fall to their temptation.

But it still happens from time to time. And one of my focus-related resolutions for 2024 is to defeat this subtle annoyance once and for all.

Of course, some of the causes are external: the amount of sleep, what I’ve consumed, etc. But some are likely more internal — whether habitual or even genetic.

Still, while this isn’t some crippling disorder that’s preventing me from reaching other goals, it’s certainly a hindrance of sorts. And I’m confident that putting conscious effort into correcting it will result in long-term gains.

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