Baby Steps

Big life changes rarely come easy. At least not the ones we want and plan for. Car troubles, illness, loss… these pop up all the time, and usually out of nowhere.

Positive change, the kind we use to better ourselves, often takes a little more time.

Exercising to lose weight or gain muscle, saving money for a trip, learning a new skill to advance your career or starting a new one. These things don’t happen overnight. And waiting for noticeable progress can be maddening.

It’s all too easy to give up when you’re closer to your goal than you realize.

You aim high and feel that the only way to reach it is with great leaps and strides. The tasks ahead of you are daunting. Stepping back, you focus on the mountain rather than the path directly at your feet.

Even the smallest step will move you.

Don’t focus on the entire journey. Take a step. Move forward. Take another.

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