Greener Grass

Everyone over the age of six knows that the grass isn’t always greener. And if it is, the yard is uncomfortably sloped. Perhaps there’s an ant problem, a tree root running through, or any other number of annoyances.

When looking to make a significant change in your work life, most of your motivation comes from the idea that everything will be better when you take the leap.

It won’t be.

Your new boss might be better but the work might be less fulfilling.

The job itself could be amazing but maybe you won’t like your co-workers.

Working for yourself could free up a lot of time and bring the balance you want but at the expense of a steady income and company benefits.

You’ll likely never find the perfect job. They’re unicorns.

You can, however, find a job that fits you. Stop looking for a job without problems and instead focus on what problems you’re willing to accept.

Less pay for more freedom? More fulfilling work but having to work some weekends? Found your dream job but need to relocate?

Every job comes with sacrifice. The real problem is that most people sacrifice far too much.

Find out what discomforts are deal breakers and filter from there.

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