Bad Habits.

When everyone around you is breaking the rules, how do you stay true?

It’s easy to slip into bad habits and behaviour when you’re surrounded by people who are doing the same. What’s worse, you can let yourself slip just a little and feel alright with your decisions as long as you’re not as bad as the others.

This is dangerous because in the long term it brings everyone down.

And it happens everywhere. In classrooms, at the workplace, and on the street.

We’re often told not to compare ourselves to those more successful. That we don’t know their full story, we’re walking our own path. Comparing yourself to those better than you causes stress and self-doubt.

Yet we justify bad behaviour all the time by comparing ourselves to those acting worse. “At least I’m not that> guy,” we tell ourselves.

Be mindful of how often you catch yourself doing this.

It might surprise you.

Colourful hand making a peace sign.

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