Fleeting Summer.

Living in the moment is harder than it seems, but learning to appreciate the distractions can help.

Today is June 21, the first day of summer, the longest day of sunlight for the entire year. It also means that going forward, the days will get noticeably darker with the approaching winter.

This is a terrible way to welcome such a wonderful day. But there’s that nagging voice in my head reminding me that the summer is fleeting. And like every other year it will be over before we know it.

I know I’m not alone in this. I think a lot of us catch ourselves thinking about a good thing ending just as it begins.

But noticing is the important part.

It’s like meditation. The most frustrating part for people learning to meditate is how easily distracted they become. How something as simple as focusing on the breath can be constantly shattered by a random thought.

Eventually, though, you learn that the entire point is to notice when you’re lost and to bring yourself back.

Summer is short. It will be over sooner than most of us want. Notice when you have this realization, and use it to bring yourself back to the moment. Acknowledging the distraction is the best way to recognize what you’re distracted from.

The next time you think about summer coming to an end, pause, take a deep breath, and be in the present.

Don’t waste the sunny days.

Colourful hand making a peace sign.

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