
Being busy is ok. Not bad, not good. But ok.

It all depends on the kind of busyness and how willing you are to bend.

Some pride themselves on being busy. They feel it’s a sense of accomplishment or the road to it. Others criticize busyness, accusing busy people of an inability to prioritize and organize.

Busy is also often an excuse for avoiding plans. How many times has someone skipped an event because they were too busy? You’ve probably used the excuse yourself.

I have. But it wasn’t true, not really. Whether I felt it at the time or I tricked myself into thinking so, I’m never too busy.

Generally, I am quite busy. Though aside from my day job, I enjoy the things that keep me busy. I like the work. But aside from the odd pressing deadline, I’m never that busy. I don’t think I’m ever too pressed for time that I can’t spare an hour or two to meet with a friend, family member, or anyone else important to me.

Life is too short to avoid the little surprises. The random invite for a drink, a call from a friend in need of a chat, or even a solitary walk to clear your head.

Being busy isn’t bad.

Just don’t be too busy for the things that matter.

Colourful hand making a peace sign.

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