A lot of people hate olives.
I certainly did, for many years. But now I love them.
They’re arguably one of the most contentious of all “common” foods.
This is a bit out of left field but has come up a couple of times at work recently.
An old cook friend of mine has a theory that you need to try olives 13 times before you can truly appreciate them. This doesn’t mean sitting down and eating 13 olives in a row — that will likely ruin any hope of future enjoyment.
Now, I don’t know if there is science behind the theory but it seems to hold.
I couldn’t stand them. It took years before I learned how delicious they are. And over that time — although I didn’t keep track — it was probably around that 10 – 20 tries where it finally kicked in.
And this is a bit of a trend. I know quite a few people who have a similar story: Absolute disgust turning to love and appreciation, right in that 13-try ballpark.
So without ranting on longer than necessary about olives. Keep that in mind.
If you hate olives, keep trying.